Hi Everyone!
Lots going on...lots of projects to share!
Today's post is something small: Making patches from fabric scraps.
3 Paches created on the sewing machine with various neon threads. The patch at the top is made from a scrap of black corset coutil. The 2 at the bottom are made from denim scraps. All are edged with a zig-zag stitch to encase the raw edges. |
I doodle and sketch ALL THE TIME.
Fun Fact: If I'm in a meeting and appear to be taking detailed notes, there's a 90% chance that I'm probably sketching up a new project or doodling something cute, like this....Yay, Kitties! |
If I want a tiny project to work on & finish quickly, I turn some of my sketches into patches.
Simply copying the image to a square of sturdy woven fabric, and embroider by hand or machine.
I doodled this on a manila folder at work,
This doodle became a patch, which was later used to mend a motorcycle jacket for a friend, who's nickname is "Moose"
I usually sew BIG projects with one color of thread (black, white or natural) so making these patches are a nice change of pace, and COLOR.
I love working all the bright color threads against the dark background, and this is a great way to flex the stitching skills.
I have never "embroidered" by hand before, and was just sort of freestyling here...
First, I sewed the image using a backstitch, with about 3 different shades of yellow thread together:
Then, went back over everything again to fill out the spaces, using some other stitch I may have made up, linking the backstitches together:
This patch is for my sister. Her nickname her whole life has been "Kiki" Ain't she LUCKY!? |
-Kathleen, In Oakland